JA 2015

Materials for Energy Generation


October 26th – 28th, 2015, Chimie ParisTech





Welcome to JA 2015

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Call for paper: Materials for Energy Generation


Please download the complete programme (pdf), or

Access to the online programme on "Oxford Abstracts" site.


Abstracts of the presentations, on October 27 and 28, are available on Oxford Abstracts site.


The Conference has been hosted by Chimie ParisTech where already our 2012 Annual Meeting took place:

11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 PARIS.



The first day, october 26th, has been an introductory day "Materials and Energy", with invited speakers, open to a large audience curious of these issues strategic for the future.


Five topics have dealt with the scientific and technical advances in this field:

Topic 1 :




Materials for energy storage

Coordinators :

Jean-Pierre Pereira-Ramos, ICMPE-CNRS-UPEC

Philippe Barboux, Chimie ParisTech.

Topic 2 :






Materials for energy production – improving ageing resistance under severe loading conditions


Eric Andrieu, CIRIMAT Toulouse,

Jean Marc Cloué, AREVA,

Thomas Duguet, CIRIMAT Toulouse.

Topic 3 :


Caloric effects

Coordinator : Martino Lo Bue, ENS Cachan, SATIE-CNRS.

Topic 4 : 





Energy and material production – energy efficiency and energy transition


Jean-Pierre Birat, ESTEP,

Jean-Michel Most, ISAE-ENSMA,

Olivier Vidal, CNRS, Isterre.

Topic 5 :





Physical metallurgy and properties of ODS steels (CPR ODISSEE)

A draft programme is available.


Jean-Louis Boutard, CEA,

Jean-François Baumard, CNRS.


Secretariat: SF2M

28 rue Saint Dominique , 75007 Paris

Tel : 01 46 33 08 00 ; Fax : 01 46 33 08 80



SF2M Chimie